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Rare Windows Endpoint Branding Using Intune Remediation

In previous posts, I have delved into the power of branding the Microsoft 365 tenant and endpoints, highlighting the significance of a clear brand in building identity and fostering affiliation. Today, I am taking branding efforts to the next level with rare Windows endpoint branding using Intune remediation. The branding exploration journey continues!

Table of Contents


As we’ve come to understand, a brand encompasses various elements that distinguish your company’s goods or services from others. It serves as a means of recognition, value creation, and identification. However, with the modern hybrid workplace becoming the norm and our workforce scattered across different locations, it has become more crucial than ever to spread the love and essence of your company’s brand.

In this blog post, I will focus on the remarkable capabilities of proactive remediation and how it allows you to infuse your branding into every nook and cranny of Windows endpoints managed by Microsoft Intune. Let’s dive in and unlock the true potential of your brand in the digital realm!

The Rare Windows Endpoint Branding

This post is focusing on putting company branding into two rare spots of Windows Endpoints.

Support Information in System-About

The first location where I aim to incorporate branding is the System-About section in Settings. This is where contact information for support can be added. This is how an unbranded About screen is looking:

By providing this information, we can make it easier for users to reach out for assistance, thus reducing any hesitation or barriers they may have.

Owner Information in About Windows

The second location for branding is the owner information in the “About Windows” section accessed by running “winver.” This is where details about the user and organization that owns the Windows system can be found. The unbranded “About Windows” looks like this:

This particular spot may seem insignificant, but it presents a unique opportunity to incorporate branding, especially by utilizing Intune Remediations. It can add a touch of creativity to the overall branding strategy.

The Intune Remediation

I have created a Remediation package to use with Microsoft Intune to add branding to these two rare crannies of your Windows endpoints. The package is available in my Github Community repository.


The detection script holds a table of registry entries which is checked at the endpoint:

   Created on:   	11.07.2023
   Created by:   	Simon Skotheimsvik
   Filename:     	Branding-Detection.ps1
    This script sets the support information for Windows10 and Windows 11
    The information is found in "Settings - System - About - Support" and in "WinVer"
    The script can be assigned as Detection script in Microsoft Intune

$BrandingContent = @"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation","Manufacturer","Cloud Limits"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation","SupportHours","Standard: 0700-1600, Extended: 24-7-365"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation","SupportPhone","+47 12 34 56 78"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion","RegisteredOwner","Cloud Limits"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion","RegisteredOrganization","Cloud Limits"

$Branding = $BrandingContent | ConvertFrom-Csv -delimiter ","

foreach ($Brand in $Branding) {
    $ExistingValue = (Get-Item -Path $($Brand.RegKeyPath)).GetValue($($Brand.Key))
    if ($ExistingValue -ne $($Brand.Value)) {
      Write-Host $($Brand.Key) "Not Equal"
      Exit 1
      Exit #Remediation 
    else {
#      Write-Host $($Brand.Key) "Equal"
Exit 0

If settings are missing or found different in the Windows endpoint, the detection script will exit and call in the remediation script.


The remediation script uses the same table of registry entries to set the branding at the endpoint:

   Created on:   	11.07.2023
   Created by:   	Simon Skotheimsvik
   Filename:     	Branding-Remediation.ps1
    This script sets the support information for Windows10 and Windows 11
    The information is found in Settings - System - About - Support
    The script can be assigned as a Remediation script in Microsoft Intune

$BrandingContent = @"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation","Manufacturer","Cloud Limits"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation","SupportHours","Standard: 0700-1600, Extended: 24-7-365"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation","SupportPhone","+47 12 34 56 78"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion","RegisteredOwner","Cloud Limits"
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion","RegisteredOrganization","Cloud Limits"

$Branding = $BrandingContent | ConvertFrom-Csv -delimiter ","

foreach ($Brand in $Branding) {

    IF (!(Test-Path ($Brand.RegKeyPath))) {
        Write-Host ($Brand.RegKeyPath) " does not exist. Will be created."
        New-Item -Path $RegKeyPath -Force | Out-Null
    IF (!(Get-Item -Path $($Brand.Key))) {
        Write Host $($Brand.Key) " does not exist. Will be created."
        New-ItemProperty -Path $($Brand.RegKeyPath) -Name $($Brand.Key) -Value $($Brand.Value) -PropertyType STRING -Force
    $ExistingValue = (Get-Item -Path $($Brand.RegKeyPath)).GetValue($($Brand.Key))
    if ($ExistingValue -ne $($Brand.Value)) {
        Write-Host $($Brand.Key) " not correct value. Will be set."
        Set-ItemProperty -Path $($Brand.RegKeyPath) -Name $($Brand.Key) -Value $($Brand.Value) -Force
    else {
        Write-Host $($Brand.Key) " is correct"

Exit 0

The script will create missing entries and correct entries with wrong values in the Windows Endpoint.

Implement the Rare Windows Endpoint Branding Using Intune Remediation

Navigate to – Devices – Remediations to add a new remediation package.

After giving a name and description to the remediation script package, the next step is to upload the script files download from my Github repository.

Scope tags and assignments should be set accordingly to your environment.

The script package is now ready to be created as an Intune Remediation.

Verify the result on the endpoint

The remediation will run at configured intervals, but it can also be manually kickstarted on a device with the new Run Remediation which is currently in preview.

This will kick off this remediation on this single device. As long as the device is online, the result will be visible within a couple of minutes at the device.

Rare Windows Endpoint Branding

The System-About section of Windows Settings will have a new Support section with the branded information, while the registered owner and company have been updated in the About Windows section.


And there you have it, folks! We’ve reached the end of our journey exploring these two rare Windows endpoint brandings using Intune remediation. We’ve discovered two hidden spots where your company’s brand can shine bright: the System-About section in Settings and the owner information in “About Windows”, and we even got to test the new feature to run remediations on demand.

By incorporating your branding in these often overlooked areas, you’re not only adding a touch of creativity but also making it easier for users to reach out for support when needed. No more hesitation or barriers!

Thanks to the power of Intune remediation, you can spread your brand’s love and essence into every nook and cranny of your Windows endpoints. It’s like giving your devices a stylish makeover with a sprinkle of your unique identity.

So why wait? Unlock the true potential of your brand in the digital realm and let your Windows endpoints proudly represent your company. Get ready to make a lasting impression and stand out from the crowd!

Happy branding, and may your Windows endpoints shine a tad brighter!

Published inEndpointIntuneWindows

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